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Our Services

$65 or 2 for $100
75-minute session



Reflexology is the ancient art of mapping points on the feet and hands that correspond to all glands, organs, and systems of the body.


These ‘mirrors’ or ‘reflections’ are manually stimulated similar to a deep foot ‘massage’. With me, reflexology follows a footbath that amplifies your bio-electric field and when combined together the session provides a sense of detoxing and relaxation while reclining on an infrared mat and enjoying a serene ambiance.



Footbath: gentle detox and energy balancing. Reflexology: relaxation and improved nerve and blood supply.



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$50 for
80-minute session



Colonics is the method of removing waste from the large intestine whereby filtered water is gently introduced into the colon where waste is softened, loosened, and released through natural peristalsis. Also known as Colonics. 

A peaceful atmosphere is maintained as the process repeats itself numerous times during the session as modesty and dignity are maintained. FDA approved equipment and disposable single-use tubes are used.


Maintaining or regaining a healthy colon, a clean digestive tract which supports a healthy immune system. It also relieves stress on the body from “auto-intoxication” claimed by Hippocrates to be the source of chronic disease.



I-ACT International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy,

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$95 for up to 90 Minutes
for the first session 
$75 per session thereafter

Biomat/Chi Machine



BioMat integrates NASA technology to provide whole body tune-up as you lay on this source of Infrared Light, Amethyst, and Ion synergy in a peaceful setting. The Chi Machine is added to move the “chi” (Chinese for energy) which includes the lymphatic system and is necessary for the efficient removal of waste and the balance of body fluids.


Support balance in the body and provide deep relaxation, reducing stress. It is a restful stand-alone experience or prelude to enhance other therapies.



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$20 for 30 minutes,
or it is included FREE in either the reflex/ion or colonic sessions.



Developed by award-winning scientists, LifeVantage brings to market unique products for all mammals to reverse “oxidative stress” which is the root of most disease and the aging process itself, by 40% in 30 days. Nrf1 and Nrf2 activation and our other energy-enhancing products are leaders in the cutting edge and growing field of “nutrigenomics”.


Feel better, look better, perform better. Add life to your years and years to your life! Most report better sleep, more energy, less pain, clearer thinking.



Protandim, Nrf2, Oxidative stress., Protandim, glutathione, Nrf2, Oxidative stress.

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Contact Linda for more information

Slow Cellular Aging

$55 for
60 minute session



Blending the techniques gathered from similar approaches, layers of 8 essential oils are used on the spine, ears, and feet while lying face down for an unforgettable, relaxing treat.


Increases the overall health and well-being, reduce stress, maximize the inherent beneficial properties of ancient essential oils/aromatherapy, and the blessing of light, human touch for deep relaxation and calming.



Study the historical and safe use of essential oils. Contacts available upon request!

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Heaven Scent

$20 for
30 minute session



When the hand, enclosed in a special patented mitt, is placed inside the vacuum chamber, the microprocessor manages the application of negative pressure and heat to safely increase the temperature and volume of blood flowing through the high volume AVA’s. It is important to note that the application of heat without negative pressure is ineffective.

Infusing heat into the circulatory system reduces blood thickness (viscosity) and increases microcirculation. Thinner blood facilitates more efficient flow through the skeletal muscles on its route to the smaller vasodilated capillaries (microvascular circulation) which the body uses to radiate the excess ATM produced heat into the cooler ambient air.

Microcirculation Boost
An increase in microcirculation enhances oxygen delivery and nutrition to the skeletal muscles while carrying away toxins. The result… healthier, more relaxed muscles throughout the entire body.

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FDA Cleared!


Get First session FREE when combined with other services

$175 for a 30 minute scan done off-site by calling 330.499.0147 to schedule with “Jeanne”.




Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging test of physiology as early detection of disease, or monitoring especially breast health, with two copies of scans and report for you and your doctor.


Non-invasive, no radiation, painless, no body contact, FDA approved.



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Only $20
when added to another service

ampcoil woman reclining



Your body is like a musical instrument. Every cell in your body needs to stay tuned to a specific frequency to function optimally. Metals, microbes, toxins, stress and many other factors can pull your cells out of tune. AmpCoil is a proprietary system that utilizes sound frequencies delivered via a pulsed electromagnetic frequency coil (PEMF) to help get your cells back into tune and resonate with your body’s natural frequencies in perfect harmony. This technology is based on mainstream physics and the results are extraordinary! 


Over 90% of AmpCoil’s most active users reported that the AmpCoil system has been instrumental to their personal wellness.

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ABC Sheild Button iPhone



5G cell towers are more dangerous than other cell towers for two main reasons. First, compared to earlier versions, 5G is ultra-high frequency and ultra-high intensity. Second, since the shorter length millimeter waves (MMV) used in 5G do not travel as far (or through objects), with our current number of cell towers the cell signal will not be reliable. To compensate many more mini cell towers must be installed.


Radiation from cell towers accumulates in your body for years. The Smart 5G Shield is made to be attached to the back of your cellphone or any wireless device to protect you from high-intensity RF radiation that will be in our location soon.

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